Dr Cécilia Filippini

aesthetic medicine

Treatments for Acne and Dermatological Scars in Beaulieu sur Mer


Acne, whether minor, moderate or severe, can be a source of aesthetic concern with emotional repercussions. As an aesthetic doctor in Beaulieu sur Mer, I offer advanced, personalised treatments to help my patients overcome these dermatological concerns.

Traitement Acne beaulieu sur mer

Treatments for Acne and Dermatological Scars

Aesthetic medicine in the Alpes-Maritimes

Understanding the causes of acne

Acne results from a disturbance of the pilosebaceous follicles, often associated with a hormonal imbalance, in particular an excess of testosterone. A number of factors can contribute to this disturbance, including

Chronic stress: Prolonged stress can trigger hormonal responses that exacerbate acne.

Diet: Diets high in carbohydrates and dairy products have been linked to an increase in acne in some people.

Food allergies: Some individuals may develop skin rashes linked to specific food allergies.

UV exposure: Although the sun may initially improve acne, excessive exposure can cause long-term problems, leading to a ‘rebound effect’.

Smoking: Smoking can worsen acne by altering skin microcirculation.

Medication: Certain medications can influence hormones and trigger acne flare-ups.

expert médecine esthétique beaulieu sur mer
Traitement Acne Eze
docteur filippini médecin esthétique beaulieu sur mer
Médecin esthétique saint jean cap ferrat

Treatments for Acne

Aesthetic medical practice in Beaulieu-Sur-Mer

The different types of acne

  1. Minor acne : Characterised by a few comedones and blackheads, this form is generally not very inflammatory, mainly affecting the T-zone (chin, nose, forehead).
  2. Medium acne : The blackheads are more pronounced, often extending to the shoulders and back. Pustules may also appear.
  3. Severe acne : Nodules and cysts characterise this more severe form, which can leave lasting scars.

Treatments for Dermatological Scars

Aesthetic medicine from Villefranche-sur-Mer to Monaco

BBL forever clear and Moxi protocol

BroadBand Light (BBL)™ the most powerful IPL (intense pulsed light) device on the market from American laser manufacturer Sciton. It is now the benchmark laser for photorejuvenation, both in terms of correction and prevention of ageing. BBL FOREVER CLEAR: the dedicated acne treatment protocol with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.


Photobiomodulation is a non-invasive approach that uses light to stimulate the skin’s natural regeneration processes. It can reduce inflammation, minimise skin damage and promote healthier skin through its bactericidal action on Cutibacterium acnes.

Dermatological chemical or laser peels

Peels adapted to your skin type can be integrated into a treatment protocol. These chemical peels eliminate dead skin cells, decongest pores and improve skin texture, reducing the formation of blackheads, as well as pigmentation and scarring.


Microneedling is a technique that uses fine needles to create micro-perforations in the skin, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin. This procedure can help reduce the appearance of acne scars and regulate sebum production. This treatment can be combined with the application of exosome-based serums for problem skin.

CO2 laser

The CO2 laser is effective in treating acne scars by encouraging skin regeneration. It stimulates collagen production, improving skin firmness and elasticity. This treatment is particularly suitable for remodelling scars.
However, this treatment can only be offered to light phototypes; mixed-race or Asian skins will be offered a microneedling radiofrequency treatment to reshape scars, without the risk of hypo/hyperpigmentation.

MicroNeedling radiofrequency

Radiofrequency combined with microneedling offers a complete approach by reorganising collagen fibrils while stimulating its production. This greatly improves the appearance of scars and the overall quality of the skin.

In addition to these specific treatments, a holistic approach is paramount. As an aesthetic doctor, I take into account your overall health, your lifestyle and your eating and cosmetic habits. Personalised advice will be given to help you maintain the effects of your treatments over the long term.

Every individual is unique, which is why a personalised consultation is the starting point for any treatment. Together, we’ll assess your skin type, the severity of acne, and determine the treatment protocol best suited to your specific needs.

As an aesthetic doctor in Beaulieu sur Mer, my aim is to provide comprehensive and personalised solutions to treat acne and its consequences. The advanced treatments mentioned above, combined with a holistic approach, provide long-lasting results and radiant skin.

Do not hesitate to make an appointment to discuss your aesthetic concerns and begin your journey towards healthy, revitalised skin. Your dermatological well-being is my priority.