Dr Cécilia Filippini

aesthetic medicine

Lion Wrinkle Injections in Beaulieu-sur-Mer

Lion Wrinkle

Lion lines, also known as glabellar lines, are those fine vertical lines between the eyebrows that can give the face a stern, tired appearance. 

Over time, these wrinkles can become more pronounced, contributing to an ageing appearance. This is where aesthetic injections offer a discreet and effective solution to reduce these signs of time.

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Lion Wrinkle Injections

Aesthetic medicine in the Alpes-Maritimes

Understanding Leo wrinkles

Leo wrinkles are often the result of repeated contractions of the muscles between the eyebrows. Factors such as stress, frequent facial expression and the natural ageing process contribute to their formation. These folds can give an overbearing appearance and their presence is often resented by patients.

How injections work

Injections to reduce frown lines are carried out by Dr Filippini, a qualified professional in the field of aesthetic medicine. A specific product, tailored to your individual needs, is injected into the muscles responsible for wrinkle formation. This temporarily relaxes these muscles, reducing the appearance of wrinkles by protecting the dermis from facial fractures.

The effect of these injections is not permanent, offering a moderate and adjustable approach to meet your aesthetic expectations. Dr Filippini will ensure that the treatment is tailored to your expressiveness and goals during your consultation.

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injection rides du lion saint jean cap ferrat
docteur filippini médecin esthétique beaulieu sur mer
Médecin esthétique saint jean cap ferrat

Lion Wrinkle treatment

Aesthetic medical practice in Beaulieu-Sur-Mer

Personalised consultation with Dr Filippini

Before proceeding with the injections, Dr Filippini will carry out a personalised consultation. She will take the time to understand your aesthetic concerns, medical history and specific expectations. This personalised approach ensures that the treatment is tailored to your individual case.

Lion Wrinkle Injections

Aesthetic medicine from Villefranche-sur-Mer to Monaco

Dr Filippini uses products approved by the health authorities. These products are designed to offer natural results while guaranteeing the safety and well-being of patients. Dr Filippini will choose the product best suited to your particular case during your consultation.

The Lion wrinkle injection procedure is very quick and, thanks to the use of modern techniques, is generally very painless or even painless thanks to the local anaesthetics used. Some patients may experience a slight tingling sensation at the time of injection, but this is generally very well tolerated.

The results of injections to reduce frown lines are not immediate. It will take a few days for the product to reach its maximum effect. However, once it does, you will notice a significant reduction in wrinkles, resulting in a more relaxed face and a rejuvenated appearance.

Although injections to reduce frown lines are generally safe, precautions are taken to minimise the risks. Some patients may experience slight temporary redness, swelling or bruising at the injection site, but these side effects usually disappear within a few days.

Dr Filippini will provide post-treatment advice to ensure optimal recovery and long-lasting results.

If you are considering injections to reduce frown lines, make an appointment for a personal consultation with Dr Filippini in her Beaulieu-sur-Mer aesthetic medical practice. Dr. Filippini and her assistant are here to answer your questions, discuss your aesthetic concerns and develop a treatment plan tailored to your unique needs.
Contact them today to begin your journey to a refreshed, natural appearance.