Dr Cécilia Filippini

aesthetic medicine

Plasmatherapy Beaulieu-sur-Mer


Plasma comes in the form of a small pen whose lead generates a voltaic arc as it approaches the skin.

The heat thus produced sublimates the tissue, causing it to shrink instantly. This treatment combines precision and safety, and is quick and painless. It is also known as “medical blepharoplasty”.

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Aesthetic medicine in the Alpes-Maritimes


  1. PRINCIPLES OF THE TREATMENT : Plasma is a concentration of energy that treats only the epidermis by vaporising its surface layer: the tissue is sublimated at the point of impact, where a carbonisation crust is formed, leading to neocollagenesis and retraction.
  2. BENEFITS: Relaxation of the upper and lower eyelids.
  3. PROTOCOL: 1 to 3 sessions spaced 6 weeks apart depending on the initial slackening. In winter, up to phototype III.
  4. RESULTS: Progressive and natural eyelid retraction or “medical blepharoplasty”.
  5. SOCIAL EVICTION: Social eviction and cessation of sporting activities for 7 days. Strict sun avoidance.
  6. MAINTENANCE: Depends on the desired result.
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Plasmatherapy treatment

Aesthetic medical practice in Beaulieu-Sur-Mer

What is PLASMA GUN® technology?

Plasma Gun® is a latest-generation device that uses the most energy-rich state of matter. The device combines speed and efficiency for optimum comfort.

What are the indications?

Particularly effective on the epidermis and superficial dermis, the Plasma Gun® can be used to treat various indications:

  • Non-surgical blepharoplasty
  • Dermal restructuring: stretch marks, scars, wrinkles
  • Excess skin: eyelid laxity, skin irregularities, soft fibroids, pendulum fibroids, palpebral dermatochalasis.
  • Skin blemishes: warts, melanocytic nevi, xanthelasma, etc.



Aesthetic medicine from Villefranche-sur-Mer to Monaco

  • The session lasts 15 to 30 minutes.
  • Immediately after the treatment, small crusts appear at each treatment point.
  • This point-by-point treatment results in overall retraction of the treated area.
  • The skin is tightened and becomes smooth.
  • During the healing process: the crusts formed will fall off in 5 to 10 days.
  • After the crusts have fallen off, the skin may remain pink for some time.

It is important to follow your doctor’s recommendations for proper healing.